Thursday, October 21, 2004



There's really nothing else to say. This was a great night, I don't think I've been this happy about a sports event since the Pats won Super Bowl XXXVI. And I really can't think of anything prior to that great night that can top this.

So what can you say about it? Great words have already been written about it; for example, Sports Guy said this on

To recap: Greatest comeback in sports history. First trip to the World Series in18 years. First meaningful victory over the Yankees. All at the same time. You have to be from here to understand. You just do. It wasn't just that the Yankees always win. It was everything else that came with it -- the petty barbs, the condescending remarks, the general sense of superiority ....It was like pressing the re-start button on a video game.

I think that tells the story pretty well. For me this ranks right up there:

1. Super Bowl 36
2. The last 4 nights
3. UConn beating Duke in the NCAA Finals in '99
4. Super Bowl 38
5. Dave Henderson's homers

Of course I don't remember #5 too well, so maybe I should really replace it with Derek Lowe completing the save against the A's in the ALDS last year.

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