Friday, January 07, 2005


Thanks for the love!

Wade Boggs is "ok" with going in to the hall with a Red Sox hat, which is what Cooperstown has decided is best.
"If you take away any of my time spent with any of the three teams in my career, I'm likely not considered a Hall of Famer," Boggs said. "It's a decision they made, and I'm fine with it. If the Hall of Fame had picked my Little League cap, I would have been happy with that."
Wow, he sounds really excited about it! The tactful answer would have been, "I'm really excited to go in with a Red Sox hat, as that is where I broke in to the majors and where I really flourished. I really would have been happy going in with any of the caps, as all three cities and organizations were great to me, and I probably wouldn't be a hall of famer without any of them."

I know it doesn't really matter that much, but I'm glad he's going in with a B on his hat, I was actually pretty upset to see him in pinstripes in an old-timers game a couple of years ago. But more importantly, it was the right decision.

As I pointed out in this post, Wade Boggs has the 4th highest number of win shares in a Red Sox uniform, and generated 75% of his career value in a Boston uniform. Red Sox fans were probably more excited about his election than Yankee fans or Devil Ray fans (all 29 of them). And let's face it, when you think of Wade Boggs, you think of him doubling off the green monster with an 0-2 count on him.

when i think of wade boggs, i think of him being chased out of Cheers.
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