Thursday, February 10, 2005


What they do

Hey Mets fans, do you ever get the feeling that for the past 40 years your team has been the worst traders in the entire sport?

Well, according to this analysis at Hardball Times, your feeling is right.

It's not the easiest thing to measure, since there is more to trading than just who produces what (position need, money, attitude, etc.). But the Mets have given up the greatest deficit of Win Shares over the past 40 years.

The Red Sox are real close behind. In their case, the deficit is almost 100% attributable to the Jeff Bagwell trade. He has 386 Win Shares, and the Red Sox are minus 380 over the past forty years. Since Larry Andersen only had a couple good years left in him from the time of the trade, well it works out that they've been pretty much even...except for that one enormous, catastrophic, monumental, unbelievable error in judgment.

I can't wait until the Kazmir numbers are factored in. That'll be great.
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