Monday, April 04, 2005


Oh for One

A few thoughts after last night:

Edgar Renteria should not drink with Kevin Millar before the games. I am really excited about Renteria, but it would be tough to have a worse start than the one he had.

Gary Sheffield is rapidly climbing the list of people that are nearly impossible to root for. Although now that he is presumably off the juice, there is less probability that he will kill someone with his bare hands during a game. Fans, umpires, opponents, and A-Rod can all breathe easier.

Joe Morgan is so awful, that I was actually excited that we got to listen to the YES announcers instead, as the local coverage pre-empted ESPN2's broadcast. That said, I am sure the YES guys are going to drive me crazy by the end of the year, if not April.

Last year has changed the dynamic of the rivalry in a big way, and it is already evident. While the announcers still couldn't resist talking about the past, it was with a different tone and aim. And with the fans, not only is there no more NINE-teen EIGHT-teen, but the whole relationship is different. I think in years past, cheers would have outnumbered the boos for Wells, who meant a lot to this team and publicly said he wanted to play for the Yankees. But now, even though it is their Boomer, they couldn't cheer for him even politely in a Sox uniform. I think one year ago, he would have gotten cheers in this situation.

Also, last year I would have gotten several emails or comments from co-workers about the same old Red Sox. They have avoided it, likely to avoid the comeback of "nice win by the Yankees, too bad that one win came 6 months too late."

The Red Sox played terribly, but I am several weeks away from that bothering me. If they are 11-13 or better after April, I'll be content as long as they are healthy on May 1.
What got me was when the ball went between Halama's legs, and Morgan froze in his constant, rambling diatribe, and you could hear both of them thinking, "Can we mention Buckner anymore? What did that memo say?" Then Morgan went with the "Well, those types of balls can be tough for a pitcher to judge." That would have never have happened last year.
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